It took over three years, at the turn of the 20th Century, to formulate the Sennelier range of Extra Soft Pastels "à l'écu" and thus to create one of the largest chromatic range of pastels. Throughout the century, this range of tones has evolved, but the heart of its making remains unchanged.
288 - Prussian blue
257 - Cerulean blue
353 - Cobalt blue
388 - Ultramarine deep
310 - Madder violet
325 - Purple violet
791 - Chinese vermillion
681 - Helios red
83 - Vermillion
409 - Van dyke violet
191 - Hot brown
439 - Van dyke brown
6 - Red brown
16 - Flesh ochre
115 - Yellow ochre
37 - Orange lead
301 - Cadmium yellow light
297 - Cadmium yellow light
99 - Naples yellow
603 - Lemon yellow
202 - Leaf green
252 - Viridian
256 - Viridian
158 - Bronze green deep
212 - Reseda grey green
508 - Raw sienna
104 - Mummy
500 - Blue grey green
513 - Ivory black
525 - White